March - April 2021 Newsletter

What a weird and wonderful "summer" we are having. I actually like it! Lots of rain to put out the fires, lots of rain to keep the garden from frizzling. Days where we can throw on a jacket... How often does that happen in a "normal" summer? This one is like autumn, beautiful and calm days, wild and electric storms, searing 40 plus days, but always a complete change in the offing.

And the weather bureau has been getting it right!!!! So choose a good day and come down to Tyabb and visit us. We have two new Blue Walls going up to showcase Ron Thomas and Margaret Wheeldon, two long time members of our gallery. You wont be disappointed.
Ron concentrates mainly on plein air painting, enjoying the companionship of a small group of dedicated en plein air artists who visit peninsula sites and enjoy a day of creativity. His outback images are mainly based on his experiences painting around Broken Hill in the mid 1990s. He has always painted the shapes, tones and colours which he perceives in the landscape - unlike a photographic image.

Creating art from nature!

P.S. He is also a multi-award winning watercolorist!!!

Margaret started painting as an empty nester and soon found her love for watercolours. Her fondness for the countryside and the colours of the landscape is very apparent in her work, and she passes this love on to her viewers.

She enjoys painting ‘plein air’, usually in oil paint, and then returns to her studio to finish off the work.   She finds the vibrant and delicate colours that she can mix with the oil paints and the pliable nature of them so satisfying and exciting that every painting is, to her, a new mystery and a journey of its own.

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